Icons of the past

Filed under: icons, souvenir, wood
Collection Icons of the past represents covers for fictional items, a kind of jewel boxes or cardboard boxes, while the content itself absents. Project contains two lines, namely: 1.public – widely known and 2. private – authors own story. In 1st. case it tells about already non-existing things from the 20th. century widely known throughout the world, which meant in their field and time a great technological advances. Unfortunately, the most of them beside the technical sophistication and progressiveness are linked by a catastrophe that ended their promising prospects for the future. Titanic, Concorde, Columbia and WTC are symbols of which many have written and spoken well before the events meant or heralded their tragic end. Although their size and magnificence have been hit hard by the circumstances, they still remains inspiration for the next generation of scientists, engineers and architects worldwide.
In the 2nd. case, objects are testimony of the author's early personal interests when as a child using models, toys or books He tried to visualize ideas about how one day He will become a pilot, astronaut or later, a designer of airborne vehicles and vessels. Over time, his ambitions fallen and He dropped from these great prospects. This moment of unfulfilled dream is expressed precisely in forms without content, which remained just as an idea shown in negative, nothing, just a tangible silhouette of the dissolved dream.

Design by: Štefan Nosko
Photo: Majo Lukáč
Icons of the past as empty cardboard boxes with protecting polystyrene inner part as we mostly know from the electronics packaging. Of course, there is an absence of the "product" as well as in the jewel box case.

Photo: Filip Győre

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